PHYS 142 VR Lab Operator Setup

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VR Lab Streaming Instructions

Plotting Guides

The following guides demonstrate how to plot and linearize data for two particles that are thought to follow a force law that looks like $\vec F=(A\sqrt{r})\hat{r}$ by two methods:

Using Google Sheets

Find the original data here, in the Example tab:

Here is a video showing how to generate the plots in the Complete tab:

You are encouraged to make a copy of the original sheet and generate plots in the Example tab, following along with the video.

Using Python's matplotlib library

The process is described and executed in a Google CoLab notebook, which is a tool for running Python code in your browser without having to install anything:

I suggest you use the Copy to Drive button at the top of the page to make your own, editable copy of this notebook. To run the code in each cell of the notebook, click the "play" button at the top left of the cell that appears when you hover over the cell.